
Google Maps updates to a whole number, version 6.0 brings new indoor maps and UI Enhancements

Google Maps finally got a big enough update to move it from 5.X to 6.0.It sure has come along way since the G1. It has gone from a pretty cool map to Real-Time navigation for transit systems, walking, biking and driving. We have gone from flat maps from an aerial view to 3D maps with buildings. The latest addition in the maps service provides indoor navigation. Something I have thought would be an amazing feature for getting around malls and huge airports. Looks like Google thought so too. Simply zooming in on the building will bring you a closer look at the floor plan and pin point you with in a few meters.

In addition to the indoor maps, they have tuned up the UI to be more like Ice Cream Sandwich’s UI. Navigating between features and menus just got a whole lot easier. They also update the Google Places home screen.

Assuming you already have Google Maps installed, hit the market and get to your apps to update. If for some odd reason you don’t have the app yet, you can find it below.

Application: Google Maps with Navigation (Beta)
Developer: Google Inc.
Cost: FREE