
Google Maps v7.7 Rolling Out, Adds Very Little [Download]

Google Maps update APKGoogle has pushed a new Google maps update out today. It moves the app to v7.7.0. The app size was slimmed down from the previous version, 7.6.1 at 8.83mbs to the now 8.56mbs. A slim down usually means removal of features, or at least cleaning up left overs. We don’t see anything missing though. Android Police picked up on “Upcoming Events” listings that give you new cards for local events in your area based on your search.

A few new strings of code have been added in as well that hint at the return of the automatic dimming feature in Navigate and a few lines about character limits and reporting an users response.

The new Maps update is rolling out via the Play Store in the typical staged roll out method. You can wait for it to hit your device, or head over to our download site, Gappsearly, and pick it up now.