
[Update] Google Play Music v5.6.1616P update brings new widgets, public playlist search and more [APK Download]

Google is on a roll today. We know of four Google apps that all picked up some updates, some better than others. One Google app that has updated that many of you probably use often is the Google Play Music app. The app now resides at version 5.6.1616P and brings in some much-needed widget changes and additions.

Google Play Music UpdateGoogle Play Music UpdateGoogle Play Music Update
Up first we have a new 1×1 ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ widget that will randomly start a song for you. It offers up a cool little animation of the dice number changing until it settles on a track for you. You can see it in the images above in the upper right hand corner. Along with the 1×1, you also have a new resizable widget for music. You can keep the 4×1 or increase it to a 4×4. The larger it is, the larger your album artwork becomes and your controls shift slightly.

The “View Download Queue” is now “Manage Downloads” and the downloads screen offers up a storage meter at the top. One final thing to note that Android Police also found is that you can now search public playlists.

As always, hit up the Play Store for the update. If for some reason you don’t see it and want to grab it now, you can hit the link below to go download the APK and side it load it on your own.

UPDATE: Seems the more recent update broke some Album Art for some people. We didn’t have the issue, but Google has still started to push out a newer version of the app to address the problem. The latest Google Play Music version is now 5.6.1617P. The link below goes to the list where you can grab the latest one on hand. AP notes that you might need to clear app data and restart it after updating.

Download – Google Play Music apk

Via Android Police