
Google Nexus Smartwatch Patent Explains Touchpad Technology


The Google Nexus Smartwatch has been rumored for quite some time now, and lately it seems to be moving forward. Over the weekend, we got a 3D render video of what we would like to see the Google Nexus Smartwatch to look like, and today we have received information that will make the smartwatch experience a whole lot easier.

The image above addresses a patent Google filed for, that would allow you to scroll and zoom by touching the wristband of the watch. Smart idea, since scrolling, or pinching to zoom is made a little more difficult with the small surface space. Especially for those of you out there that might have some thick, gorilla like fingers. You will be able to view the watch’s full screen, and you will be able to scroll with ease.

Do you guys like this idead for the smartwatch? Let us know what you think.

Source: Phandroid