
Google offering the LG G Watch for $99 and $50 Google Play credit for any Android Wear purchase

LG G Watch for $99Google sure knows how to do Black Friday sales (except when they involve selling the Nexus 6). As part of the bargain season festivities, Google has slashed the price of the LG G Watch down from $249 to a measily $99. Yes, again: that’s a LG G Watch for $99. If the $130 discount isn’t enough to turn your head, then the $50 Google Play credit is offering when you purchase a LG G Watch should definitely have your attention. And yes, that does make the LG G Watch effectively $49. In fact, if you purchase any Android Wear watch from the Google Play Store between now and Cyber Monday, you will get $50 worth of Google Play credit to spend on whatever you want in the Play Store.

The LG G Watch is certainly no slouch – although it’s been surpassed by almost every Android Wear device out there, including it’s own brethren, the LG G Watch R, it still presents as a very good entry option for those hoping to get into the Android Wear ecosystem. In fact, besides missing a few sensors and having a different shaped screen, the LG G Watch is almost exactly the same as the LG G Watch R, but don’t tell anyone – just take it for $99 and run. As you may have guessed, however, this deal is for the U.S. only.

What do you think of Google’s Black Friday deal of selling the LG G Watch for $99? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: The Verge