• News
  • 29 October, 2012

Google offers up news about Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, adds Photo Sphere and More

It is going to be a busy day for all things Google, Nexus and Android 4.2. We already saw the Nexus 4 press release along with its launch date and pricing. Then we saw the Nexus 10 release date and price point. Now we catch a little more information relayed tot he word via their official blog. They formally announce the LG Nexus 4, the Nexus 10 by Samsung and the Nexus 7 32GB version.

All three of those devices were exactly what we expected Google to announce today at the canceled event in NYC. We also expected a full walk through of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. While they weren’t able to take to the stage to show us the wonders of the new Nexus line of devices, they do have some details out there about it all. We are definitely eager to see all three ne devices in action, but are equally eager to see what Android 4.2 Jelly Bean is bringing to the table. Here are a few of the highlights to wet your appetite.

Amazing Photo Sphere camera

The new camera app in Android 4.2 offers up a completely new and unique feature called Photo Sphere. This is more than just panorama photography. You can take photos above you, below you and all around you. Then the software will piece them all together and create a virtual sphere of the world around you. Creating these amazing full 360 degree shots that you can share with your friends on Google+ and even add them to Google maps for the world to see. You can check out some of these photo spheres HERE.


Gesture Typing

Gesture Typing is just a new word for Swiping. At least from our point of view. You slide your finger from one letter to the next and it knows what you are typing. While it is nothing new, it is still new to the stock Android keyboard. Those of you that love Swype will now have a similar experience without installing another keyboard.


Multiple User accounts on Tablet

We all saw this one coming too. Google is finally implementing multiple user accounts on tablets. Meaning that you can set up a profile for yourself, you wife, your kids and who ever else needs one. That way they aren’t getting into your apps and games and rearranging the home screen while they use it. This is going to be pretty sweet really. No longer will you come home from work to find you daughter beating all your games before you even had a chance to try. Sadly, this is only going to be available on tablets. I personally think this still has great potential for phones too. Maybe in the next update.

Instant Share to your TV

Again, another feature that other OEM’s have mastered are finding their way to stock Android. If you own a Samsung device you would know this as AllShare Cast. By simply connecting a wireless display adapter to any HDMI-enabled TV, you will be able to share your device’s screen wirelessly to your big screen TV.

They also talk about the Daydream, expandable notifications, Google Now, widgets and a few other things. Some of which were already part of Android 4.1.2. They didn’t make mention of the new Quick Settings panel though. We know it is there and we know you guys are going to love it. I wonder what other little goodies are in 4.2 that wasn’t listed on the page that Google planned on showing off on stage.

To go see what Google has to say about things, head to Google’s Official Blog and also over to What’s New in 4.2