
Google opening brick and mortar stores by end of Year

 Google Store Ripoff

I’ve been waiting for this… One day very soon, stores bearing the Google name will become an official thing (unlike these and shown above). The search behemoth plans on opening retail stores in “major metropolitan areas” by the end of the year where they will sell, demonstrate, and answer questions pertaining to all things Google. The plan is to have these up and running before the holidays.

Selling items like Chromebooks, Nexuses (Nexi?), and upcoming Glass are obvious, but there’s countless other possibilities. There’s already a Google online store; it makes sense that some of these items would find their way into these brick and mortar stores, but think about what else Google could do. Will they offer tech support or repairs? Will Android users be shown how to make the most of their devices? Will there be something unique for Ingress players like they’re doing in Duane Reade stores? Will there be in-person training on how to use Google search better, similar to their Power Searching course or even in-store classes of the course? Who knows? There’s not much on specifics yet, but any place where I can get a hands-on experience with new Google gadgets and buy an Ingress Resistance shirt sounds like a win to me.


Source: 9To5GOOGLE