• News
  • 10 September, 2014

Google picks up Lift Labs, makers of a fantastic high-tech Spoon

Google has reportedly pickup another company that will be integrating its self into the Google Life Sciences department at Google headquarters in Mountain View. The company is called Lift Labs and is a San Francisco based company that completed an IndieGoGo campaign back in April for their high-tech spoon, the Liftware. You might have seen it make its rounds on the various tech sites back in March.

LiftLabs Liftware

The Liftware device is basically a spoon that actively stabilizes hand tremors commonly suffered by individuals with Parkinson disease. It really is a pretty fantastic little gadget that can certainly help offer a better quality of life for people who suffer from the disease, or any other condition, that would otherwise make something that we take for granted so difficult. Take a quick look at the promo video they used during the campaign.

Lift Labs is working on other attachments for Lift Ware since the main unit is its own device. They have a fork, keyholder and other things on the way. Being picked up by Google will only help them to advance their technology and ideas to further help people in need. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from the Liftware device, be sure to take a closer look at it over at the liftlabsdesign website.

Source: NYT