
[Download] Google Play already updating to fix busted compatibility on some Motorola Devices

It is hard not to laugh extremely loud and hard at the mess that was created by Google with the new Play Store. Apparently the updated market took a turn for the worst on many Motorola devices sporting certain types of Blur UI’s. Producing issues like broken links left and right. As if the name didn’t upset you enough, how about it not working at all. Now we know Google didn’t do it on purpose, especially since they bought Motorola, but is funny. Of course they didn’t sit around and take their sweet time to fix the issue either. Those of you that have been suffering the ill effects of the last update will be pleased to hear another one is rolling out already that should solve your problems. You will want to look for version 3.4.7 to see if you already have it. If you don’t you can pop into application settings and wipe the Play Store‘s data. Should be all set after that. Hope this fixes your problems guys.

If you are impatient, or it just isn’t updating for you, here is a link ot download the latest version – Play Store v3.4.7

Via Droid-life