
Google Play Books v3.1.31 brings back the ability to upload PDFs

Google Play Books v3.1.31Google Play Books version 3.1.17 appeared to answer everyone’s prayers by finally enabling users to upload both PDF and EPUB files to the app to read, but not two weeks later, the ability to upload PDFs was stripped out in version 3.1.23. The official line for taking out this ability was that PDF uploading was only included as a trial and that they would likely reinstate the function in a later update. Well, that ‘later update’ has finally happened with Google Play Books v3.1.31 rolling out and the ability to upload PDFs has indeed returned in all its glory.

This update makes Google Play Books a much more complete package as reluctant users have often complained about the lack of uploading abilities to the reader app. As for the full list of improvements in this update:

  • Upload PDF or EPUB files to your library. Enable PDF support in Settings, then touch a file in email or Downloads and choose Upload to Play Books.
  • Settings and Help have moved to the main navigation menu.
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes, including a fix to prevent the screen from sleeping while the app is reading aloud.

The update should be rolling to your device very soon, however if you can’t wait that long to get uploading your PDFs, we have the apk for the file right down below. Enjoy:

Google Play Books v3.1.31

Source: Android Police