
Google Play Games updated to version 2.0.11, introduces Game Profiles, Quests and Level Ups [APK Download]

Google Play Games updated to version 2.0.11The Google Play Games update that we have been waiting for is finally here. After announcing plenty of new additions into Google Play Services 4.0 at Google I/O just a few weeks ago, we’ve been waiting to see exactly what the changes to Play Games, including Game Profiles, Quests and lots more, would look like as a finished product. Just when we thought this week’s Update Wednesday was over, we got a notification that Google Play Games updated to version 2.0.11, and it’s a good one.

Google Play Games updated to version 2.0.11 Google Play Games updated to version 2.0.11
 Particular noticeable are the new Game Profiles which give an overview of how much XP you have and how much you need to get to the next level. You will likely have earned some XP already and your Profile will show you a nice breakdown of how your points were earned and in what genre of game. There are a whole number of new settings associated with these new features, many of which control the notifications you can get when you level up or receive requests through Google Play Games.

Google Play Games updated to version 2.0.11Overall, the app has been cleaned up and streamlined a lot, with game and suggestion cards getting an upgrade as well. If you spot something else new about the updated app, let us know in the comments. The update should be rolling out already, but if you’re anxious to try out the latest Google Play Games, we’ve got the APK available for download below:

Google Play Games version 2.0.11 APK

Let us know what your favourite thing about the new Google Play Games is in the comments below.