
Google Play Games Uses The Konami Code As A Nice Easter Egg

google play gamesThe Konami Code is, and hopefully will continue being, the most recognizable and iconic button combination in all of gaming history. It’s been referenced, if not used, in so many forms of media over the years, and it seems appropriate that the geeks at Google have included it with their release of Google Play Games this week.

If you have somehow forgotten, or have never known the Konami Code, learn this next combination very carefully:

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start

To do this, simple open Google Play Games and input the directional commands simply by swiping in the direction required (note: make sure to swipe normally, not quickly as you would with cheats. Also, the left and right swipes should open and close the settings drawer on the left). Don’t worry: the buttons B, A, and Start will pop up when you get the direction combinations right.

google play games

Having succeeded in paying your respects to gamerdom, you will be rewarded with a Play Games achievement. What is it called? Why, “All your game are belong to us”, of course.

Do you like these kind of easter eggs? I love these kinds of things, nice for the people who want to learn more, and great for the people who already know. Now go input that Konami Code!

Source: Phandroid