
Google Play Magazines updates to v1.1.0, now available in Australia!

One common complaint across the Android sphere is lack of some support and services in other country’s. Google Music is on example of a service that everyone wants, but is limited to certain locations for the time being. It isn’t all Google’s fault though, they have regulations to meet, certain requirements by certain country’s and of course government watch dogs. That doesn’t mean they don’t keep doing what they can.

Today a service and feature that many of us here in the states have enjoyed for a long while is finally available in Australia. That’s right, all our Aussie friends down under can now finally install the Google Play Magazines app and pick up subscriptions and single issues for their reading pleasure. This should make some of you pretty happy, while those of you still waiting to gain access, not so much.

Along with the addition of Australia, there is a bit more in the update. After all, it did jump from version 1.0.2 to 1.1.0. In a developer world that is a pretty big jump in version numbers and means there had to be at least 7 builds prior to the updated build released. While it isn’t a new UI or complete overhaul of anything, they make mention that this update includes “Significant performance improvement for all devices (page flipping and rendering).” Hard to argue with performance improvements across all devices.

If have Google Play Magazines already installed you may want to jump into the Play Store and update the app when you get a chance. For those of you in Australia, well, you better just go install it. No matter if you have it already or are just gaining access, you can always take the easy route and simply click or scan the QR code below.

Application: Google Play Magazines
Developer: Google Inc.
Cost: FREE

Since we are all based here in the U.S., if any of our Aussie readers out there go pick this up, let us know how it works out. Be sure to check out some of the magazine sales and trials while you are at it, just be sure to cancel if you don’t want the monthly charge.