
Google Play Services 6.1 is released with Analytics, Drive and Google Fit improvements [ APK Download]

Google Play Services 6.1It appears that Update Wednesday is truly upon us, and it’s not even Wednesday in some places. It appears many of Google‘s core apps are getting an update today, including Docs, Sheets, YouTube and it appears Google Play Services 6.1 is also being pushed out today. We didn’t expect to see another major revision of Play Services before Android L was released, particularly seeing as version 5.0, the last major revision, was released just after Google I/O a few months ago. Still, we’re not complaining, and it looks like there are some big changes that will make some people happy.

As detailed on the Google Developers blog, the version 6.1 update includes updates to Analytics to add Enhanced Ecommerce analytics support from Google Tag Manager, an update to the Google Drive Android API, as well as changes to the Google Fit Developer Preview after it was first announced and released after Google I/O. While this update doesn’t seem like this would need a whole new version number, perhaps this is Google’s way of gearing up for an Android build release, which we’re expecting to see sometime in the next month or so.

Google says it is pushing out the update from today, but for those who want the update now, we have the updated APK available for download below:

Google Play Services 6.1 APK

What do you think of the latest Google Play Services update? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Google Developers Blog