• News
  • 12 October, 2011

Google Plus web service includes real-time search and hash tag Support

How the heck did this news slip under the radar. Apparently Google has implemented some new features into our beloved online G+ interface. In September they added in a ‘search’ function that allowed you to search for a certain term and located it through-out your various feeds. Today they have launched, or have started to launch, a new feature to improve upon the simple search. Now, if you go in and set a term, like Android, it will pull the feeds with Android related content. If you give it a few moments there will be a pop up that states ‘1 more recent post’. Simply click on it and your feed will be refreshed with real-time posts that fit your Android search parameters. Pretty cool right.

The second feature that they have added, or I guess improved on, is hash tag support. Many of you Twitter junkies know what a hash tag is. Now if you add a hash tag to your post, Google Plus will automatically link that hash tag to any and all related posts. For instance, if you type in ” My life would suck with out my #Android device” The #Android part will become a link in your post that people can click on to view Android related posts. Again, pretty darn cool.

As Vic points out in the video below, these two new features are being rolled out gradually. So don’t be surprised if you don’t see them working right away, but keep you eyes peeled.

Source: CNET