
Google releases YouTube Creator Studio to the Play Store

If you are one of the millions of YouTube creators out there that manage your own channel on YouTube, your life just got a little bit easier today. Google has, finally, released YouTube Creator Studio to the Google Play Store. The app makes managing your channel a heck of a lot easier when mobile.

YouTube Creator Studio Google App YouTube Creator Studio Google App YouTube Creator Studio
The YouTube Creator Studio is designed for YouTube channel owners, pretty much anyone with a YouTube channel and videos, to easily manage it from their Android device. You can monitor your channel and the video performance, filter and respond to fan comments, customize push notifications and update your video details and settings. Easily being able to stay on top of what is happening with your channel, and your interactions with your fans, should help you increase your viewership and hopefully, help you make a little more money too.

Feel free to hit the widget below to head into the Play Store and pick it up. Let us know what you think about the new app and if you find it useful or not.