• News
  • 28 December, 2011

Google+ seeing over 600,000 new users per day, surpasses 62 million Total

google growth acclerates

Google+, the social networking service launched by Google this past summer, has caught on at a pretty nice pace so far. According to a report from CNet, Ancestry.com co-founder and Google+ unofficial statistician Paul Allen reported the latest numbers as of December 27, and it looks like the total has broken the 62 million milestone — if there is such a milestone, that is. Additionally, the G+ network is seeing about 625,000 new users every single day.

I expect the growth to continue to accelerate,” Allen said. “Google can continue to integrate Google+ into its other products and word of mouth will continue to build. Most importantly, 700,000 Android devices are activated daily and this will become a very significant source of new users for Google+. That number will also grow next year.

As a member since the service’s beta days, I’ve fallen completely head over heels for Google+. While each of the “Big 3” (Facebook, Twitter, and Google+) have their places in my heart and still get used on a daily basis, I definitely spend most my time perusing my circles and interacting with amazing new people. I like nearly every aspect of the service, and I look forward to what’s ahead from Google.

My only complaint — PLEASE release full API’s so we can make full use of the service. It would be super if we could automatically share our WordPress posts to Google+ the same way we can to Twitter, rather than manually having to flood your timeline with a ton of posts when we forget to get them posted on our Google+ page (If you haven’t added us to your Circles yet, now is the time to do so).

Source: CNet, Google+