
Google teasing new and improved Google Wallet

Earlier today the folks in Salt Lake city and Austin got the chance to start testing out Isis Mobile Wallet. That is the mobile payment system that Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile all chose to go with instead of Google Wallet on their Android devices. This doesn’t frighten Google in the slightest, although it does irritate many Android users everywhere.

Today Google put up a new little spread on the page that looks to be promising for Wallet users and lovers everywhere. A teaser image has gone up asking what kind of mobile device do you use. The options are clear-cut, Android, iOS or other. We all know what iOS is. Other aims towards Blackberry and Windows mostly. You can go through the motions, but the end result is a submission to Google requesting an invite to Google Wallet when it is available for the other platforms.

Not such amazing news strictly for Android, but definitely for Google and people on other platforms that want the service also. It should be rather interesting to see how the mobile payment system battle plays out. As a dedicated Android users I am still a bit hurt that my only legitimate option for my S III will be Isis. I would would much rather have Google Wallet. If I had a Nexus 7 it would be even ore frustrating.

Source: AndroidCommunity