
Google Text-to-Speech update to version 3.0.11 brings more language and voices Support

google text-to-speech updateContrary to what people think Google actually does during April Fool’s Day, like making Google Maps into a Pokemon-laden procrastination place, Google does actually do some work and today has released a Google Text-to-Speech update to continue its improvements to the dictation app.

Fortunately, this update to version 3.0.11 isn’t a joke and adds some crucial language support, including Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish (United States), as well adding high-quality voices for English (United Kingdom) and English (US) should you feel inclined. The full list of updates as per the Play Store page includes:

  • Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish (United States) now supported
  • English (United Kingdom) male voice available for download
  • High quality voices available for download for English (United Kingdom) and English (US)
  • Updated user interface for voice data management

The update should be rolling to you now, but if you can’t wait that long, you can download the apk file at the link below:

Google Text-to-Speech update version 3.0.11


Application: Google Text-to-Speech

Play Store Link

Price: Free