
Google, thwarting one stupid lawsuit after another with Innovation

Google and Android has had its fair share of lawsuits from all across the globe. Everything from the shape of a tablet to the ‘slide to unlock’ patent suit from Apple. Every time a new suit gets tossed at us most of us can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous the claims are. Sadly, they are valid complaints that cause a lot of grief for the patent holder and for the apparent infringer. Not that the Android experience is identical to iPhone, but close enough to cause more spending by the billion dollar spoiled babies.

To combat the filings, Google swung by the patent office and dropped off their latest unlock innovation. If you can’t beat them…. then what’s the point. We sure as heck aren’t going to join them. The new filing has similarities to HTC’s Sense 3.0 lockscreen, but different enough to make it stand out. Implementing a single unlock button located at the bottom of the screen as well as application shortcuts that can be dragged down to unlock the device into the associated app. It also appears to have shortcuts for calling specific people as well. What is this fancy new looking unlock patent going to be called? “Input to Locked Computing Device,” ya, nothing fancy there.

To help cover their butts, the patent is also claiming its uses for unlocking desktops and laptops. Which means it could be the next touch screen unlock option on the next-gen Chromebook’s, we can only hope that is the case. With all good news, there is bad news as well. This is just a patent filing, there is no telling if or when this new unlock screen will grace your various devices. I am just happy to see Google moving forward to make their lives as well as our easier.

Source: Patent Office via Engadget