
Google+ updates to v4.5 with a number of visual changes you might Like [APK Download]

Another Google app has started to be pushed out. Our wonderful Google+ app has received and update that brings it to version 4.5. I noticed a few visual changes pretty immediately, but I am sure there is a ton more stuff buried inside. One of the first things I noticed was the profile view. Your image and all the text has been shifted to the left now.

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The image above on the left is the previous G+ version and the image on the right is the new 4.5 version. You will also notice that they shrunk up the “About | Posts | Photos| YouTube sections and cleared out the separator lines. At least, compared to the 4.4.3 version that I still have on another older device. Scrolling through posts you will also notice that the +1, share and comments icons are darker

Google+ apk download


Some pretty nice little changes that just make it seem a little cleaner easier to use. I do like the left justified profile pages a bit more. Android Police also picked up that the post filter search box has also moved under the “Everything” tab under the red bar. There is probably a lot more in there, including some bug fixes and changes as well. Feel free to sound off in the comments if you notice anything else.

You can always wait for the Play Store to prompt you for the update, or you can hit the link below and go grab the apk now.

Download – Google+ v4.5Â