
Google Voice Actions (Voice Search) adds international language Support

If you happen to be one of the billions of people whose speech contains any accents, then you have pretty much been out of luck trying to use Google Voice Actions. Same goes for anyone that might happen to only speak a language other than English. One of the downsides to loving a U.S. based company.

Thankfully, Google knows that and has been hard at work to bring this service international. The UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain can now use Voice Actions in British English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. I am sure the British English should help our dear friend Simon out a bit. Nothing with voice commands is perfect yet by any means. With various dialects and small nuances that can still effect the application, patience will still be needed. At least they are trying, right?

If you don’t know what Google Voice Action even is, then you have been missing out. Google has a very nice video demonstrating what it can do for you.

Application: Voice Search
Developer: Google Inc.
Cost: FREE

Via: Google Blog