
Google Voice is getting integrated into Hangouts, reportedly rolling out now

Google Voice is getting integrated into HangoutsAfter what seems like an age of kick and screaming for this feature to be implemented, it appears the inevitable is finally nigh: Google Voice is getting integrated into Hangouts, and it’s rolling out to your Hangouts app now. You may see the above prompt in your Hangouts app now, however it seems like the integrated functionality seems to be a little hairy at best. Android Police is reporting that messages can be received fine, however replies seems to have a few teething issues. Seeing as there isn’t an update necessary to get these features, it seems very likely that an update to Hangouts will be coming this week with Google‘s usual round of updates. That is, if this feature wasn’t just accidentally activated.

Integration of Google Voice into Hangouts has been rumoured since late last year when it was mentioned by ol’ Vic Gundotra, the then head of Google+. Gundotra said then that messaging for Google Voice would be implemented in early 2014, but as we can all see, it’s been a little longer than that. Still, better late than never, and from the general vibe of the news, most people are just relieved that Google Voice integration is finally with us.

Are you happy that Google Voice integration with Hangouts is now possible? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Android Police

APK download for the new Hangouts v2.3 available HERE.