“We actually didn’t invest in the patent ecosystem,” Lawee said. “We weren’t patenting things as aggressively as we should have been. We didn’t really believe ’rounded corners’ were patentable. We just didn’t buy into that notion of protecting your IP, and it was a wake-up call.”
We are hoping that we are over the hump too. No one wants to have a thermonuclear war, as Steve Jobs put it, on our hands. This so-called ‘wake-up’ call should prompt Google to start looking into patenting anything and everything they can.
We don’t think the patent wars are even remotely close to slowing down. If this was Google’s wake-up call, then it had to have been a wake-up call for every company and small business around the globe. We fear Apple did start a thermonuclear war, not just against Android or Samsung, but against the world. Whether they know it or not. This entire case is going to prompt for a flood of patent filings and lawsuits on anything and everything anyone thinks they could win.
What are your thought? I can personally agree with David on the rounded corner thing, I never would have thought that was something that anyone could actually own the rights for, let alone win a case using it. Do you think Google and other manufacturers and companies are going to start flooding the patent office with everything from icon design to shapes and dimensions of a screen? Was Steve Jobs prediction and threat of thermonuclear war just come true?