
Google’s Eric Schmidt Talks Android, Apple

When a new movie comes out, the studio sends the starring actors around to do interviews. In the case of technology, it’s the CEO that goes out to do the Q & A. Google CEO Eric Schmidt sat down with the UK’s Daily Telegraph to talk FroYo and the general state of Google. While much of what was said about FroYo is old news to the Android community, it’s interesting to see Google’s views on other topics.

“We don’t have a plan to beat Apple, that’s not how we operate,” Schmidt says. “We’re trying to do something different than Apple and the good news is that Apple is making that very easy.”

While this may be the official position, most of us can attest to the fact that there is a competition of sorts between the two.  As more people move to smartphones, I think the separation of philosophy will only become more heated.

Eric Schmidt also addressed the goals behind Nexus One, that it was created mostly to push the Android brand forward. At the time of its release, it’s hard to imagine that anyone thought Android needed a boost, but in pre-production a year previous to that, the idea that Android needed help wasn’t so out there. Also, shortly after the Nexus was released, there were rumors of  Nexus Two, a similar device that would have a hard keyboard. Sadly, it seems that is all it will ever be, as Mr. Schmidt makes it clear Nexus One was a one-time thing.

Initially, Google felt that they needed to build a device to help Android along so they worked with HTC to create the Nexus One handset. Schmidt says: “The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward. It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn’t have to do a second one. We would view that as positive but people criticised us heavily for that. I called up the board and said: ‘Ok, it worked. Congratulations – we’re stopping’. We like that flexibility, we think that flexibility is characteristic of nimbleness at our scale.”

If you’re interesting in reading the full interview, you can find it HERE.

Source: Telegraph