
Google’s Nexus One Updated to Android 2.2.1

It looks like Google wanted in on the OTA update action as last night we received reports that the Nexus One has been prompted for an update, kicking up the firmware to Android 2.2.1 which also brings build number FRG83. Along with the firmware updated to 2.2.1 and the build now at FRG83, the update brings the following:

  • Baseband version:
  • Kernel version:
  • Android-build@apa26 #1

To manually update your device, follow the below instructions.

  • If you haven’t received the update and would like to manually upgrade your device,  simply download THIS FILE and rename it “update” and place it on the root of your SD card not in any folder.
  • Make sure you power off your device and once you reboot it, hold down the “Volume down” button as you power on your device.
  • Next, scroll down to recovery and press the “power” key to select the option and then once you see the exclamation symbol, press the “Volume up” key and the “Power” buttton at the same time.
  • Then select “apply sdcard:”
  • Your device should now say “Install from sdcard complete” and power off your device, once you reboot, it will take a while, but don’t worry it will boot up with the latest update installed.

Enjoy the update folks and be sure to tell us if you find anything different!

Via: Android Central