
GPS Dongle for your ASUS Transformer Prime now Available

Gotta hand it to ASUS. No matter what the issue is with their products, they seem to always find a solution that works for their customers. Be it a timely software update to solve issues or a hardware add-on, they make it happen. One of the more constant complaints for many Transformer Prime owners was the lack of a stable GPS connection. After figuring out what caused it, it was determined to be a hardware issue and not something they could solve via a software update. Instead of just ignoring the issue and the complaints, ASUS did something about it. They created a snazzy dongle for your device that any Prime owner can obtain free of charge.

While some may think that this is not the most optimal solution, it is the best one available. After seeing a few images of the dongle, I was happy to see how they designed it. It still isn’t the prettiest of additions, but for those of you that rely on a stable GPS connection in your life, it is now available.

To get your hands on the item, you will want to head to ASUS Extension Application page. Fill out all the pertinent information and you should be good to go. Maybe the next tablet edition will have a slightly better design that won’t require hardware additions.

Source: ASUS via AndroidPoliceÂ