
Grand Theft Auto III port headed to an Android device near You

I remember waiting outside in the rain for the launch of Grand Theft Auto III. It is one of only a handful of times I suffered just to get my hands on something new. At mid-night they finally let us in the doors and I picked it up. I made my girlfriend at the time drive home so I could read the manual. I pulled an all nighter playing the game and then went to work at 7 am. I think back to how great that moment was and at the same time think “What was I doing?” The Grand Theft Auto series of games will always have a special place in my heart and most likely yours. What other game out there lets you steal cars, shot cops, pick up hookers and cause as much mayhem as possible and still hope to get away with it?

There is good news on the horizon for those of us that miss all the action of GTA. Rockstar games, the creative minds behind GTA, are aiming to launch GTA III to iOS and Android sometime in the following months. Bringing all that GTA III action to select handsets and tablets. They have a tentative list of devices that should easily support the gaming experience and most likely all newer high-end devices going forward will be able to enjoy it to. The list is as follows –

That is a pretty good start. We can all only hope that more of the dual-core devices that have just launched or are about to launch also get some GTA love.

On a side note, if you happen to be in NYC and headed to the New York Comic Con, then you need to find Rockstar Games booth. They will have the game available for you to demo. Be sure to snag some photos or a video of it in action and send it over!

Source: Rockstar Games