• Games
  • 22 December, 2011

Grand Theft Auto III Sale for the holidays? Rockstar says “Yes, Indeed!”

Grand Theft Auto III

‘Tis the season to steal some cars, shoot up some thugs, and pimp slap a few — oh, wait. This is a family-friendly site. HO HO HO! Merry Christmas, kids! Rockstar Games has decided to join in the festivities by dropping the price of Grand Theft Auto III to $2.99 until December 29th. And, as an extra bonus for all of you crazy cats rocking the Samsung Galaxy Nexus — support has been added for you, and you can get in on all the action too. Unfortunately, they forgot about the myTouch 4G, so I’m still sitting on the sidelines for this one.

Anyhoo, you know the drill. Click or scan the Market link below. Happy car jacking!

Application: Grand Theft Auto III
Developer: Rockstar Games, Inc.
Cost: $2.99 (ON SALE til 12/29)