
Gree And Marvel Teaming Up To Bring Us X-Men Battle Of The Atom On Mobile

x-men battle of the atomWhat have I always said? That mobile needs more card games, that’s right! Well, GREE and Marvel have heard my pleas and are teaming up to make a new mobile game, X-Men Battle of the Atom. The game is promised to release by the end of summer, which lines up with the September release of the ten-part comic series of the same name.

For those of you interested, the Battle of the Atom comic series is an all new comic crossover from Marvel Comics that focusses on X-Men from the future returning to the present to get the All-New X-Men to go back to future as their presence is causing catastrophic events. Seems like a pretty good story so far, and hopefully the card game lives up to that too. There’s also been a short trailer released:

 Not much gameplay in the video, but hopefully if they keep the comic book vibe in the game, it’s surely going to be an eye-catching experience. X-Men Battle of the Atom will be released on iOS and Android sometime by the end of summer, and will also include 50 years worth of X-Men history, hopefully all of it playable. Any Marvel fans out there excited about this game?