
Happy 3rd Birthday Android!

Today marks Android and the Open Handset Alliance’s 3rd birthday, HOORAY! 3 years ago today Android was introduced to the world and then less than a year later, the G1 was launched. I remember when I first heard about Android. I couldn’t stop looking for more information. I was so tired of WinMo and all the other devices out that I was almost ready to give up on anything cool and useful to ever come out. We have certainly come a long way in just 3 years. We went from a dream of something better and taking a chance that the world would accept it. We have upgraded 4 OS versions. We took the good with the bad, the smiles and the tears. Yet here we sit, 3 years later growing more and more popular and giving the competition something to worry about. I don’t know about you guys but I am proud to be part of the Android revolution and I am eager to see what we can accomplish in the next 3 years.

Here is the original Android announcement. Anyone else remember this?

Now let’s all go have a piece of cake and have a great day!

Source: Androidguys