
Hasbros Classic Board Game, Scrabble, Coming to Android Next Week

Scrabble was by far my least favorite game of all during my childhood. Not because it’s a horrible game. Simply because my parents forced me to play it 2ce a week with them. I was much better at Monopoly. As one ages they learn to appreciate what they were trying to do, teach me to spell. Thankfully we have spell check now so all that hard work went out the door.

There are already a few Scrabble variants running around the market that do a fair job and achieve their goal, but there is nothing like the original. To add to the excitement, EA is the developing company. Which means it will be done right the first time. The release will feature cross platform support for iOS and Facebook. That will easily always give you someone to play a quick game with when you are lonely.

EA states the game will be free at time of launch and will support nearly every device on the market. That makes me smile and should make you smile too. Feel free to check out the Scrabble portion of EA’s Summer Showcase 2011, it is at roughly the 33:00 mark.

Source: Androidguys