
Have you noticed: The Instagram app for Android is extremely prone to closing without notice

Maybe I just have bad luck or social media companies just haven’t figured out Android apps yet. After noticing that Facebook app devours battery life for breakfast, lunch and tea, I’ve also started noticing that the Instagram app for Android is extremely unstable. And not just in the conventional “this app is not responding” type scenario either – I’ve noticed that Instagram is just closing in the middle of doing menial tasks within the app. Whether it’s scrolling through the news stream, or choosing a new image to post, or even searching for new people to follow, I’ve seen the same behaviour happen time and time again – the app will just crash to the home screen with no indication whatsoever and it happens on a very regular basis.

Thankfully, the Instagram app isn’t terribly complicated to start with so it’s not a huge issue to restart whatever I was doing, but it is annoying. I’ve been wondering if this is an issue solely with my LG G3 with Android 5.0, or if this is a more widespread issue, so I thought I’d ask you, our readers: have you seen this behaviour before and what device are you using?

Feel free to leave a more elaborate answer in the comments if that’s your jam.