
HD Widgets Updates bringing in New ‘Colourform’ Theme and New Notifications


Alright widgetheads. Time to update HD Widgets to version 3.8. This update came over the weekend, and really, the only real change is the fact that you can now use the new Colourform theme. Before when using HD Widgets on your phone, you could only use the Glass Gems theme. I remember when HD widgets got to version 2.0, there was a menu option that showed us you were going to be able to have numerous theme options. Only thing is, you have to put actual themes in there if you plan on giving people options. It took many versions, but finally, we have another theme to choose from.

The Colourform theme is not anything too spectacular  It is more of a basic looking theme that resembles certain fonts and icons from ROM builds and Android 4.2. They’re not too bad looking. You will not be able to use the Colourform theme for all widget looks like the glass gems themes, but I am sure with more updates they will give us that option to use this theme for the various widget looks. Another added feature to HD Widgets, is to have a weather of battery widget in your status/notification bar. If you are not one of those that does not want your homescreen covered in widgets, you can see your current temperature, or current battery level right in your status bar and notification bar. So get in there and update if you have not already. If you are new to HD Widgets, then here is the perfect opportunity to try it out. THERE ARE TWO THEMES NOW!

Application: HD Widgets
Cost: 1.99