
Help charity, help developers and pick up 4 great multi platform games at the same Time

We all love a great deal on applications and games. We love it when they pop up in GetJar Gold, the market or even Amazons Free App of the Day. While all of those options are a great way to get a heck of discount on a very popular app or game, we sometimes wish there was another option that was legit. Thanks to a our very own Mark Dell, he tipped me off on a great site that is currently running a promotion for Android. The site is called

What they have is a set of games available for purchase that are very popular right now; Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Osmos, and EDGE. If you pay a little more than the average you also get World of Goo! That is a total of 4 awesome games that I know many of you want to pick up. OK, so you can get 4 great games, but we haven’t told you how or what else is going on. Humble Bundle lets you choose how much you want to pay for these titles. You can choose between a set dollar amount or a custom amount that you set. Next you choose how you want your ‘donation’ to be split up. You adjust the slider to give the developers a portion, the Child’s Play Charity, or the Electronic Frontier Foundation and if you want to offer up a portion to humble Bundle as a tip. Once you set your amount, where you want the money to go, you then put in your email address to get your applications and decide if these are a gift. The gift addition is a pretty sweet idea really. Letting you snag all four games for a family member or friend for a small donation. Take a look at their quick YouTube video of how it all works out for you –


Now, to gain World of Goo! you have to donate more than the average that people are willing to pay. The current amount that the pack is going for is only $4.22. Which seems pretty low to me. Not just because all these games are great and cost much more combined, but because you are also helping charity. It almost seems like everyone is being a little greedy and not in the giving spirit since Christmas ended.

To kick it up a notch, after you make your donation and get to your download page you have more choices to make. Not only can you download these for your Android device, but you can snag them for Windows, Mac and Linux. Giving you the same great games across all of your various platforms If you happen to be a fan of game sound tracks, you can also pick those up too. You will have unlimited access to your download and download them as many times as you want.

If you want to snag this package you have just under two weeks remaining. Just pop on over to, choose your dollar amount and fill out all the particulars and you are set. Not only should you feel great about getting all four at a great price, but you should feel amazing for helping out a charity at the same time.

Thanks for tipping us on this MarkÂ