
How to Use CyanogenMOD 7 Advanced Screen Settings

I don’t think many people can really argue that CM7, or any CM build really, doesn’t give you a lot of control of your device. With the team adding support for new devices all the time, coupled with the shear numbers of new users that are added daily, it’s nearly impossible to teach everyone everything. With AndroidStory moving forward in the community, we are doing what small part we can to educate and share what everyone else is doing out there.

With all that out of the way, I found a post by Jaxidian on Rootzwiki explaining how to use the advanced screen settings. He walks us through how to use the settings and what they all really mean. He has been using these on his HTC Thunderbolt and I have verified them on my T-Mobile Vibrant. Some differences may play into effect per device. These settings should help to conserve battery and also make life a little less annoying, especially late at night.

To get to the settings, go to:
CyanogenMod Settings -> Display -> Automatic backlight

On the Automatic backlight screen (where you should be now), set the following settings:
Enabled = Y
Window length = 10s
Reset threshold = Disabled
Sample interval = 2s
Use custom = Y
Screen dim level = 20
Allow light decrease = Y
Decrease hysteresis = 50%

Those are the basic settings he is currently using. If you want to find out more and get into the inner workings, feel free to visit his post on rootzwiki and read the rest of his guide.

Source: Rootzwiki