• News
  • 30 April, 2010

Hp Buys Out Palm, Is Google Worried?

This morning, the world was caught by a surprise to the news that Hp bought out Palm for $1.2 billion.  My first thought when I heard Palm decided to kick the bucket, was HTC is going to take the company on.  HTC decided not to, based off Palm’s recent quater sales.  Now with the merger, what happens next?  I can say that all Palm devices already on the shelves will go untouched.  I suspect Hp working with WebOS to run on future ipaqs or tablets.  It’s a good possibility Hp might be trying to detach from Microsoft, and move towards a different platform.

With all this merging going on, is Google getting worried about Android sales?  I highly doubt it.  Google has got their marketing strategy down to a science.  I was disappointed to see the Incredible go onto a carrier right away, and not venture to online selling along with the Nexus One.  I’m curious as to what’s Google’s next move.  They started their store, but only one product to sell.  Will Google just keep releasing new releases of software on updated HTC hardware, and sling them away to carriers?  Or will they actually start selling more devices online, allowing the consumers to pick their carrier and plan? Unlocked and unsubsidized? Option No. 2 sounds the most appealing.

Back to the whole hpalm (PalmH?) buzz.  Though Hp is one of the largest companies in the tech industry, Google shouldn’t worry.  I don’t see any future devices coming out of Hp until next spring.  I’m actually excited to see what’s going to happen.  WebOs put it’s name next to Android, iPhone OS and BB in the Mobile Industry.  Can the iPaq make a come back?(was it really ever here?) and join the mobile giants.

What do you guys think?  We want to know what the readers are thinking, leave a comment and let us know!

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