
HP Headed to India with two new Smartphone Phablets

While some might poke fun at the notion of using a 7-inch tablet as a phone, a good chunk of the world already does it. Our very own Stephen Yuen was in Hong Kong prior to his travels to Las Vegas for CES and was amazed to see so many people pulling out tablets for just that reason. HP is seeing a need in emerging markets overseas, primary India, and is looking to fill that void with two new phablet offerings. Introducing the Slate6 VoiceTab and Slate7 VoiceTab.

HP Slate6 and Slate7 VoiceTabs
The official specs haven’t been announced in full, but a few things were mentioned by VP of consumer devices Ron Coughlin.

Both the Slate6 & Slate7 have:

  • Quad-Core Processors (make, model and speed unknown)
  • 16GB onboard storage
  • Micro SD card support
  • 5MP rear camera
  • 2MP front camera
  • Android Jelly Bean

The Slate6 will have a screen resolution of 1280 x 720 and the Slate7 will have 1280 x 800.

Prices were mentioned to be very practical for what they are with the Slate6 sitting at $250 and the Slate7 at $200. That isn’t a mix up either, the Slate7 is less expensive. We will have to find out why or if the information released was mixed up.

Via GottaBeMobile