
HTC also explains HTC One design in new Video


Following Samsung’s release of a video detailing the design behind the Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC has followed up with their own video which takes a look at some of the design considerations HTC had when creating the body of the HTC One and the frankly awe-inspiring way that the aluminium casing for the One is created and shaped. Take a look:



You might actually remember parts of this video, and you would be correct; HTC did release a similar video about two months ago, but have chopped and shopped it and I think done a better job of focussing the video more on the creation of the casing. The video isn’t quite an answer to Samsung’s effort, though, as it showcases only the manufacture of one part of the HTC One, and the Galaxy S4 video looks a lot more at the user experience of the phone and quite a few of the features and design.

The HTC reps do, however, use words like “electron-chemical etching process”, “nano-matrix structure” and “chamfer” which can give you tingles while you watch the whole automated process going on. Oh, and no tiny subtitles this time.

Did these videos give you a better appreciation of the phone design? Let us know which phone you prefer better.

Source: gizmodo