• News
  • 26 January, 2012

HTC backing down from flooding the device scene, looking for a signature device this Year

Over the course of 2011 it seems like we saw a new Android powered HTC device get announced every month. Not all of them made it states side, but ultimately it was overkill and they lost profits. What was even worse is that hardware changes in each of the devices launched were so minimal that it seemed like HTC was more interested in pumping out phones than making something great. Thankfully they have recognized this mistake and are going to refocus their efforts in 2012. HTC UK chief Phil Roberson told Mobile Magazine –

“We (HTC) have to get back to focusing on what made us great – amazing hardware and a great customer experience. We ended 2011 with far more products than we started out with. We tried to do too much. So 2012 is about giving our customers something special. We need to make sure we do not go so far down the line that we segment our products by launching lots of different SKUs.”

We can all expect to see a lower number of devices launched this year and the ones that do come out should be cutting edge and not so ‘Blah’. On a side note, HTC will also be putting more effort into their 2012 tablet line up. They have a few tablets out and about but nothing that makes you jump to get one.

HTC will always make a great product, but I think creating a flagship device like Samsung and Motorola has done time and time again will help them immensely. We need one great device that we can all say when we hear HTC. Hopefully something amazing will come out of Mobile World Congress next month. We shall see.

Source: MobileToday via AC