
HTC Desire, Incredible, and Evo 4G Get Some Desire HD ROM Love

While the HTC Desire HD system dump has been leaked, it wasn’t too long after that the ROM had made it to the HD2. The device has now made its way to the HTC Desire and the HTC Droid Incredible. While the HD2 requires a few more steps to run the Desire HD port, we can now get a first hand look at the 5 second boot up time which will amaze anyone. Check out the video below.

If you would like to see more of what the new HTC Sense found inside the Desire HD and the Desire Z take a look at our previous report as it shows off some of the features coming soon. Check out how you can get the Desire HD ROM on your HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Desire and HTC Evo 4G.

*Update*- Added the link for all of you wanting to throw this ROM on your Evo.

Via: Engadget, XDA