
HTC Desire coming to AT&T and Legend coming to Sprint?

htc-legend-desireThe two smartphones announced by HTC last week during the Mobile World Congress known as the HTC Desire and HTC Legend. Last week we heard that the HTC Desire and Legend is coming to UK in April. And now, According to BGR , HTC Desire is coming to AT&T and the HTC Legend is coming to Sprint . HTC Desire is also known as a brother of the Nexus One. Some people think that Desire is better. The AT&T users will be able to take the taste of Sense UI on the Desire.  But the physical attributes of the Desire might be different from the HTC Desire that we’ve all seen. But BGR said that there will be nothing major, Only some material/finish/color changes to the casing . It is expected that HTC Desire will hit AT&T in the May to June time frame. Price is unknown . Now the Legend. Also known as Hero2. The HTC Legend will be slightly modified like the Sprint Hero was. But its not confirm that which type of changes. But one thing is confirm that HTC Legend is a great device . The release timetable and price for Legend is unknown.

BGR really shared good news with us. But they said that this is not confirmed. So we can just hope i think.

What do you guys think?

Source: BGR