
HTC Droid Incredible 2 Finally sees Gingerbread Update

It has been a long few weeks for you Dinc2 users. Waiting, watching and hoping to get the rumored and false leaked dates for your update to Gingerbread to finally roll out. After all your patience, the update is finally and truthfully slipping it’s way on to devices. You guys know what means right? Time to start wearing a hole in your screen where the “Check Now” button is. Which can be located under “software update.”

The update will bring you a plethora of new included functionality. Improved data connectivity, new docking app, improved device stability, improved word selection and copy functionality, a new download manager app, a new wireless charging interface, NY times bookmark, and a few other little tidbits. Not to mention all the benefits of Gingerbread. It will be a Sense skinned version of Gingerbread, so have no fears of loosing that aspect of your device. We haven’t hear if the screen on/off animations will be included or not. Please let us know if you do.

Now that HTC has CDMA/Sense version of Gingerbread rolling out, I wonder how long it will take for TBolt owners and original Dincs to see some Gingerbread love?

Source: TheDroidGuy