
HTC has 2.1 for the Hero

…But, you may have to wait…

The good news? According to the official forums for Irish mobile provider Meteor, HTC has an update to the Hero Android OS. They state that this would bring the device up to Android 2.1.

The bad news? It is up to a couple months away, dropping at the end of March.

Let’s hope another carrier (cough… cough… Sprint!) can get the update sooner so all you Hero users can munch on some Eclair…

htc hero

From the Meteor man:

Just got another update on this and HTC have said they are releasing 2.1 on the Hero and we are hoping to have this available by the end of March.

This will be available via the HTC website and we are also looking at other ways to make this update easier to access for our customers. As soon as I hear any more on this I’ll let you all now because I know the release of 2.1 is something that everyone is looking forward to.

Thanks to EuroDroid for the tip.