
HTC has no plans for One M9 mini, moving away from the smaller line entirely

Update: Looks like HTC’s Jeff Gordon spoke up about the quote that was attributed to Jack Tong the other day. In an email to Phone Scoop, Jeff states that Jack was mis-quoted and that he didn’t actually say that HTC isn’t planning mini versions of its devices. However, he does go on to say that the he isn’t confirming that HTC IS coming out with a HTC One M9 mini. There could still be hope for those mini lovers out there.

Are you the kind of person that just loves the sub 4.7-inch form factor in your device? If you are holding out for a HTC One M9 Mini you might be waiting for no good reason at all. At least that is what is currently being said by President of HTC North Asia Jack Tong. According to Jack, the market is trending towards devices that are 5-inches and up and that the company would be ending its “mini” line-up.

It isn’t really a big surprise considering some of the best selling devices are the likes of the Samsung Galaxy S6 at 5.1-inches. Heck, even Apple reneged on its screen size stance and bumped things up with two devices that brought more screen real estate to consumers. The news could leave a lot of people who are still very much in love with the 4.7-inch screens and smaller, accompanying form factor and pocket friendliness little in the way alternatives that still pack some power. There is always the Xperia Z3 Compact I suppose, or the Moto G. Either way, looks like you might just have to bite the bullet and get yourself something a bit larger that you can cope with.

Source: Focus Taiwan Via Androidandme