
HTC is No Longer ‘Quietly Brilliant’

HTC quietly brilliant

HTC is doing their very best to stay afloat in the mobile market. The HTC One was suppose to bring them out of the quicksand they have gotten themselves in, but with delays of the One, that is looking pretty bleek for HTC. Well it seems that got another marketing strategy up their sleeves. Let’s drop that tagline we have been using for the last 5 years.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Ho, marketing chief for HTC, said that they have “a lot of innovations but we haven’t been loud enough. The new approach, will be bolder.” Let’s hope Mr. Ho. Mr. Chou’s job is on the line here. He really did not go into detail of why they decided to remove the tagline, but at this point HTC is trying anything and everything to make sure they are successful this year. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Android Community