• News
  • 3 November, 2010

HTC Joins List of Manufacturers/Carriers Praising Android for Q3 Results

Fresh on the heels of Sprint and Samsung reporting improved 3rd quarter earnings results with a direct correlation to the Android operating system, HTC posts a record almost doubling 4th Quarter.  While we are in the 3rd calendar of the year, HTC’s fiscal year is about a quarter ahead of the calendar year.

HTC saw a revenue of $3.3 billion on handset shipments of 9.9 million units. As their fiscal year ended HTC reported total handset units shipped for 2010 topping 25 million. With the release of Windows Phone 7 not happening until after HTC got out of fiscal 2010 most of their direct growth can be attributed to the sales of Android Operating System devices.

While Android will remain their focus heading into fiscal 2011, an HTC spokesperson said this about multiple-operating systems: “We believe the overall pie is still big enough to have at least three to four tier-1 players enjoy the growth momentum,”

HTC’s fiscal 2010 Android line up included:
T-Mobile: MyTouch 3G 1.2, My Touch  Slide, G2
Sprint: HTC Hero, HTC EVO 4G
AT&T: HTC Aria
Verizon: HTC Droid Eris, HTC Incredible

It’s well documented that we will see an HTC Droid Incredible HD, HTC Merge, and more in fiscal 2011. There have also been various reports about a possible Android or Chrome OS tablet.

Are you looking forward to HTC’s 2001?

Source: BGR/Reuters