
HTC Looking to Get iPhone 5 Banned in the US?

Patent wars. Patent wars. Patent wars! It just will not come to an end. It is time, though, that Apple gets a taste of the sludge of ridiculousness they have been dishing out in the past year. Seems that the iPhone 5 might be infringing upon two patents that are currently held by HTC. That is just music to our ears right there.

The patents that Apple is trying to tip toe by, is the way data is transmitted through 4G LTE.  In 2011, HTC purchased these 4G patents for the “small” amount of 75 million dollars. Not to sure of the details of the two patents, but if the iPhone 5 comes equipped with 4G LTE abilities, a judge handling the claims said that Apple might have trouble invalidating these patents. Then they would have to fork over some of that Samsung money over to HTC. Passing the buck, right? In this case, many bucks.

It is a ridiculous patent infringement I think, but it is time for Apple to start getting back what they have been dishing out. Let us know what you guys think of this.

Source: Android Guys
Via: Bloomberg