
HTC Merge 360 Viewer Hits Verizon, Quickly Pulled

We all know that the full-QWERTY slider from HTC is coming, but the question is when? Tuesday we reported that Verizon may be launching the device today at a “Cabaret” themed event thrown by Verizon where we’re also supposed to be learning of the re-launch of the HTC Droid Incredible.

Whatever the case may be, the 360 viewer for the HTC Merge hit Verizon’s website, but was quickly removed. Thankfully, our pals at Android Central were on the prowl and managed to make a quick video of the device in all of its 360 view glory. The launch party kicks off tonight in Seattle at 9PM until midnight, so it looks like we might awake to this device on Verizon’s site, but that’s all speculation. Check out the video below.

Features of the HTC Merge include:

  • Android 2.2
  • HTC Sense UI
  • 5-Megapixel camera
  • World roaming capabilities
  • full-QWERTY slide out keyboard

What do you all think, some HTC Merge action to kick off the weekend?

Via: Android Central