
HTC O2 is apparently the name of HTC’s “Hero” phone, could run a Snapdragon 820

Let’s not beat around the bush: HTC is in some serious trouble. Not even a week ago, the Taiwanese manufacturer cut 15% of its workforce as a cost-saving measure after yet another quarter of loss, a miserable culmination of financial turmoil after the HTC One M9 failed to inspire consumers into buying it. HTC CEO, Cher Wang has already promised to its shareholders that a “Hero” phone is already undergoing development – a complete redesign which will be called the HTC O2. Whether that’s just “O2” or “O squared” remains to be seen.

The second part of this rumour is that the HTC O2 will be running a Snapdragon 820 processor – this actually helps us place the device’s timeline better as we know the Snapdragon 820 won’t be available till December, meaning that we wouldn’t be seeing the HTC O2 till around the time HTC normally announces a flagship device, i.e. February/March. There will be some similar things about the design of the HTC O2 – for example, it sounds like the device will still have an all-metal body. But given how things have gone for HTC in recent years, they’re likely going to need to make some drastic design changes somewhere.

What do you think about the HTC O2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: MyDrivers via Phone Arena